有個(gè)老外用戶對(duì)CH32F103用usb功能的一些問題, 想請(qǐng)教一下
?COREID, 這個(gè)我應(yīng)該能自己找
USB的D-, D+, 連到PA11和PA12時(shí), 沁恒的例子應(yīng)該不串22R電阻也不加1.5K上拉, 但是大部分bluepill是帶的, 這額外的電阻和上拉會(huì)對(duì)usb有影響么?
CH32F103的USB初始化, 和STM32F103的USB初始化是不是一樣的? 需要額外的初始化操作么
有沒有CH32F103的USB CDC的完整例子?
First, what is the Coreid that the CH32F103 presents when debugging? The STM32F1 is 0x1BA01477, for example.
Does the datasheet say that 22 ohm resistors should be in series with the PA11/PA12 USB -/+ pins and that PA12 should be pulled up with a 1k5? The schematic on the evaluation board does not include these. Most Bluepills do include these, and I am wondering if that's part of the problem.
Is the USB device on the CH32F103 intended to be register and memory compatible with STM32F103 ? The registers have the same names and bits, but there could be additional initialization required for the CH32F103 that is not required on the STM32F103.
Are there any complete code examples of USB for the CH32F103, for example, a USB CDC implementation that you know of?
Thank you!