CH559 GPIO最高切換頻率


1. GPIO最高支持的切換頻率是多少?


2. UART0中斷使能會(huì)影響GPIO切換頻率

相同的代碼,一旦打開UART0的中斷使能(ES = 1),GPIO的切換速率就會(huì)降低到330KHz左右。

void main()?


? CfgFsys();? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Init system clk

? mDelaymS(5);? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Wait the clk to be steady

? CH559UART0Alter();? ? ? ? ? ? // Switch UART0 pin to 37/38

? mInitSTDIO();? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Init UART0 for stdio

? //ES = 1;? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Enalbe UART0 interrupt,一旦打開UART0中斷就會(huì)導(dǎo)致GPIO切換速度極度降低

? IE_UART1 = 1;

? EA = 1;? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// Enalbe interrupt for all

? CH559GPIOModeSelt(1, 6, 6); // 配置pin1輸出

? while(1) pwm_pin1(255);? ? ? ? // pwm_pin1中通過CLR/SETB切換管腳pin1電平




SETB and CLR are 2 Byte Instructions, therefore 2 cycles. Your observation of 14MHz matchs.?

With CPL you might reach 28MHz.

You dont show any interrupt handler for Uart0. I guess the irq fires again and again, possibly because TI does not get cleared. Therefore just one instruction gets executed between irqs.?

Hi usbman,

Many thanks to you.

I have checked the instruction datasheet named?CH55X匯編指令.PDF,? and you are right, that both SETB bit and CLR bit? would take two cycles, so the first question is cleared.

And again, you are right that TI flag needs to be cleared as well. Forgive my carelessness and put up such a junior issue to bother people.

BTW, it seems that you are not from China, but you are so familar with WCH series of MCUs. My hat off to you.?


SETB c 和 CLR c指令是單周期的,但是針對(duì)bit是雙周期的


You are right, I am from Germany though I had lived in China for some time.

Some WCH chips are available here too. Unfortunately the more interesting chips are out of stock even at LCSC these days. for exampe CH549 or the CH555.


and for @usbman,German friend,ask WCH for a few CH549 or CH555 less than 5chips may be a better choose,specially if you want to design something interesting with these.微信截圖_20211026215431.png

@home_everywhere 什么時(shí)候WCH這么大方了,德國(guó)的仁兄還是多嘗試下阿里巴巴海外版吧。

@usbman, maybe you can try Alibaba/Taobao to see if some vendors would like to ship these kinds of chips to Germany.

