CH395 : ERR_USE and ERR_BUSY for socket


Sometimes, i have ERR_USED or ERR_BUSY for socket status. In that case, it always returns this status and i can not exit socket from this status. I tried to flush buffer, close socket, disconnect tcp ...

The only way to fix it, is to perform a global reset or shutdown/poweroff.

About ERR_USED, i need to wait a bit (maybe some seconds) and this status disappears. But for ERR_BUSY status, it must always shutdown the chip (or do a reset).

This socket is closed after getting data from tcp connection, but it does not correct this.

Is there another way to avoid this status on the socket ? which command i must set ?

Reasonable time delay should be taken consideration into operating sockets. You can refer to demo examples on how to use CH395 on WCH's official website ?

