delphi編的,附上軟件 unit DevReader;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, JvHidControllerClass;
type TReport = packed record/壓縮記錄 ReportID: Byte; Bytes: array [0..63] of Byte; end;
TMainForm = class(TForm)(設(shè)置窗口與按鍵) DevListBox: TListBox; HistoryListBox: TListBox; ReadBtn: TSpeedButton; WriteBtn: TSpeedButton; SaveBtn: TSpeedButton; SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; ReportID: TEdit; Edit1: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; HidCtl: TJvHidDeviceController; InfoBtn: TSpeedButton; ClearBtn: TSpeedButton; procedure HidCtlDeviceChange(Sender: TObject); function HidCtlEnumerate(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Idx: Integer): Boolean; procedure ReadBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DevListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure WriteBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure InfoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure HidCtlDeviceDataError(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Error: Cardinal); procedure HidCtlArrival(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); procedure HidCtlRemoval(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); procedure ClearBtnClick(Sender: TObject); public /聲明 Edits: array [0..63] of TEdit; CurrentDevice: TJvHidDevice; function DeviceName(HidDev: TJvHidDevice): string; procedure ShowRead(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; ReportID: Byte; const Data: Pointer; Size: Word); end;
var MainForm: TMainForm;
uses Info;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TMainForm.HidCtlDeviceChange(Sender: TObject); var Dev: TJvHidDevice; I: Integer; begin ReadBtn.Down := False; ReadBtnClick(Self); if Assigned(DevListBox) then begin for I := 0 to DevListBox.Count - 1 do begin Dev := TJvHidDevice(DevListBox.Items.Objects[I]); Dev.Free; end; DevListBox.Items.Clear; HidCtl.Enumerate; if DevListBox.Items.Count > 0 then begin DevListBox.ItemIndex := 0; end; end; end;
function TMainForm.DeviceName(HidDev: TJvHidDevice): string; begin if HidDev.ProductName <> '' then Result := HidDev.ProductName else Result := Format('設(shè)備 VID=%.4x PID=%.4x', [HidDev.Attributes.VendorID, HidDev.Attributes.ProductID]); if HidDev.SerialNumber <> '' then Result := Result + Format(' (序列號=%s)', [HidDev.SerialNumber]); end;
function TMainForm.HidCtlEnumerate(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Idx: Integer): Boolean; var N: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin if Assigned(DevListBox) then begin N := DevListBox.Items.Add(DeviceName(HidDev)); HidCtl.CheckOutByIndex(Dev, Idx); DevListBox.Items.Objects[N] := Dev; end; Result := True; end;
procedure TMainForm.DevListBoxClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin ReadBtn.Down := False; ReadBtnClick(Self); if Assigned(Edits[0]) and (DevListBox.Items.Count > 0) and (DevListBox.ItemIndex >= 0) then begin Dev := TJvHidDevice(DevListBox.Items.Objects[DevListBox.ItemIndex]); for I := Low(Edits) to High(Edits) do Edits[I].Visible := False; for I := 0 to Dev.Caps.OutputReportByteLength - 2 do Edits[I].Visible := True; WriteBtn.Enabled := Dev.Caps.OutputReportByteLength <> 0; end; end;
procedure TMainForm.ShowRead(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; ReportID: Byte; const Data: Pointer; Size: Word); var I: Integer; Str: string; begin Str := Format('讀 %.2x ', [ReportID]); for I := 0 to Size - 1 do Str := Str + Format('%.2x ', [Cardinal(PChar(Data)[I])]); HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add(Str); end;
procedure TMainForm.HidCtlDeviceDataError(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Error: Cardinal); begin HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add(Format('讀時錯誤: %s (%x)', [SysErrorMessage(Error), Error])); end;
procedure TMainForm.InfoBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (DevListBox.Items.Count > 0) and (DevListBox.ItemIndex >= 0) then with TInfoForm.Create(Self) do begin Dev := TJvHidDevice(DevListBox.Items.Objects[DevListBox.ItemIndex]); ShowModal; Free; end; end;
procedure TMainForm.ReadBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var Str: string; begin CurrentDevice := nil; if (DevListBox.Items.Count > 0) and (DevListBox.ItemIndex >= 0) then begin CurrentDevice := TJvHidDevice(DevListBox.Items.Objects[DevListBox.ItemIndex]); if not CurrentDevice.HasReadWriteAccess then ReadBtn.Down := False else if ReadBtn.Down then CurrentDevice.OnData := ShowRead else CurrentDevice.OnData := nil; Str := '無可讀數(shù)據(jù)。'; HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add(Str); end; end;
procedure TMainForm.WriteBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Buf: array [0..64] of Byte; Written: Cardinal; ToWrite: Cardinal; Str: string; Err: DWORD; begin if Assigned(CurrentDevice) then begin Buf[0] := StrToIntDef('$' + ReportID.Text, 0); ReportID.Text := Format('%.2x', [Buf[0]]); ToWrite := CurrentDevice.Caps.OutputReportByteLength; for I := 1 to ToWrite-1 do begin Buf[I] := StrToIntDef('$' + Edits[I-1].Text, 0); Edits[I-1].Text := Format('%.2x', [Buf[I]]); end; if not CurrentDevice.WriteFile(Buf, ToWrite, Written) then begin Err := GetLastError; HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add(Format('寫時錯誤: %s (%x)', [SysErrorMessage(Err), Err])); end else begin Str := Format('寫 %.2x ', [Buf[0]]); for I := 1 to Written-1 do Str := Str + Format('%.2x ', [Buf[I]]); HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add(Str); end; end; end;
procedure TMainForm.SaveBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin ForceCurrentDirectory := True; if SaveDialog.Execute then HistoryListBox.Items.SaveToFile(SaveDialog.FileName); end;
procedure TMainForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var I, J: Integer; begin if Assigned(Edits[0]) then Exit; Edits[0] := Edit1; for I := 1 to High(Edits) do Edits[I] := TEdit.Create(Self); for J := 0 to 3 do for I := 0 to 15 do with Edits[J*16 + I] do begin Visible := False; Left := Edit1.Left + I*(Edit1.Width+2); Top := Edit1.Top + J*(Edit1.Height+2); Width := Edit1.Width; Anchors := Edit1.Anchors; if not Assigned(Parent) then Parent := Edit1.Parent; TabOrder := Edit1.TabOrder + J*16 + I; end; DevListBoxClick(Self); end;
procedure TMainForm.HidCtlArrival(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); begin if Assigned(HistoryListBox) then HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add('插入設(shè)備:' + DeviceName(HidDev)); end;
procedure TMainForm.HidCtlRemoval(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); begin if Assigned(HistoryListBox) then HistoryListBox.ItemIndex := HistoryListBox.Items.Add('拔出設(shè)備:' + DeviceName(HidDev)); end;
procedure TMainForm.ClearBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin HistoryListBox.Items.Clear; end;